Your full service health & wellness facility!

Our Sunbeds
Here at Lighten UP! tanning salon we offer FIVE sunbeds for your tanning needs. Ranging from a relaxing 20-minute supine bed or a quick 12-minute upright sunbed.
Options & amenities include:
Facial tanners
Cooling fans
Air-conditioned beds
UV protection tanning goggles
Optional decals to embellish your tan
Private & quiet rooms

Membership & Prices
Below are our standard prices for various tanning packages. Call us today to inquire about monthly specials! Prices subject to change.
(All prices have an additional 6% tax)
Standard Tanning
1 Tan - $8.00
10 Tans - $70.00
100 Minutes - $55.00
Infrared Lay Down Tanning Bed
Please refer to the RED LIGHT THERAPY
Page for all the details!
Unlimited Tanning Options
2 Weeks - $55.00
1 Month - $80.00

Sunbed Skin Care
We offer a number of tanning lotions, bronzers, and moisturizers to enhance your tanning experience.
Options & amenities include:
Ed Hardy Tanning Supplies
Devoted Creations Toners & Bronzers
European Gold Moisturizers
Banana Boat After Sun & Body Butter
And much more!